1.Find a mentor who exhibits the ability to communicate well at your company, soon after you are hired. Tell him that you want to improve your ability to communicate and that you are impressed by his skills. Ask him to share what he did to hone them. Finally, ask that he keep track of your progress and give you pointers on how you can improve. As you become a "seasoned employee" who is on the rise, volunteer to become a mentor to someone who has just been hired.
2.Improve your ability to listen, and you are halfway to being a good business communicator. You may think that you listen well, but the chances are you are actually figuring out what you should say next. Ask good questions, and then listen well to the answers. You are likely to break through someone's "hidden agenda" and learn what is really important to her. Above all, remember there is often a difference between what someone may say and the opinions she might actually have.
3.Practice your business communications skills as frequently as you can. Start by writing memos and emails. Always write your findings, recommendations and other requirements of your job, even though you normally offer them face-to-face. Curry favor by offering them as an adjunct to your oral presentation. It demonstrates both professionalism and forethought.
4.When you attend a meeting, be sure your presence is felt by the questions or answers you give. If necessary, force yourself to do this until it becomes second nature. When you are asked to present your views to a group, prepare a formalized presentation then practice it beforehand. Increased familiarity will ease presenting to a group.
5.Take communications courses that your company may offer, or request permission to attend sessions by Dale Carnegie Corporation or something similar. Also, learn how to address an audience by becoming a member of Toastmasters International, an organization with chapters across the country.
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