Mathematics is Abstract:
Mathematics is abstract. It does not have a shape. Children cannot see it. They need to visualize properly for solving a mathematical problem. Visualization comes from the everyday experience and relating mathematics with it requires a very strong trainer.
Present Teaching System:
Another major contributor to the difficulty of mathematics is lack of innovation in conventional system of teaching. The conventional system of teaching makes mathematics a dud and boring subject. Students are unable to visualize the concept taught by the teacher. Therefore, their interest level goes down. Hence they start developing a disassociation with the subject. If this disassociation continues for a longer period of time child starts hating mathematics.
This phenomenon of Math fear is growing everyday and now Central board has also recognized this problem. Through their circular they have asked the schools to create an environment where child takes interest in Mathematics.
Problem in converting word problems into mathematical equations:
Converting word problems into mathematical equation requires good understanding of the language and math fundamentals. Fundamentals are still taught in old-fashioned way in the school. Teachers teach fundamental without much of illustration therefore, students are not able to visualize the problem when they face it. They try to learn mathematics much like other subjects where they memorize facts and figures. Mathematics wants a thorough and good understanding.
Poor Command over Tables:
I interact with thousands of children every month. To my dismay I find that a good number of students show poor command over the tables. A few of them have gone to the higher classes say IX and X and still they rely on finger counting. When faced with multiplication like 18 × 7 they follow the complete multiplication steps to get the answer. Due to this Calculation takes more time and even a simple mathematics paper seems difficult to the students.
Here the question arises why do students have poor command over the tables? As far as my understanding goes we are moving towards Public School led education system and as we are anglicizing our education system more and more students are suffering from this syndrome. They have poor command over the tables because tables are not taught in mother tongue.
No system of Logic Development:
Our education system works on rote methodology. It tests you for how much you can cram before the examination day and vomit on the examination day. Mathematics does not work that way. It works on logic. In response to my question posted in a discussion group "Why did you fear Mathematics?" POOJA BHATNAGAR wrote: I dreaded mathematics! Would you believe if I told you that I actually got fever the night before my 10th boards maths exam !! I still managed a decent 83% though but the fear of maths........ Till date the numbers get mixed up in my mind! The fear actually came in pretty late, when we started handling the more complex calculations. Log tables never were any friendly to me. And assuming alphabets to be numbers again confused me to no end.
Poor Trainers:
Most of the time I find that the person teaching mathematics does not enjoy mathematics himself. If a math teacher does not enjoy mathematics then how can he create enjoyment for students?
Take the example of Dhyuti. She is a student of class-1. She is average in mathematics. Her mother was fed up with math teacher's remark on Dhyuti's notebook. She did not know how to improve her daughter's mathematics. One day she went to meet Dhyuti's Math teacher. During the discussion the math teacher revealed that she is a History graduate entrusted with the responsibility of teaching mathematics. She does not like teaching mathematics.
Effectively, in Dhyuti's class children developed a strong dislike for mathematics. Children are pure at their heart. Everything around them affects them. Be it dislike to mathematics shown by parents or teachers.
Calculation Takes Long time:
Samrana (Name changed) a class VI student from Gurgaon narrates his stories. He says that he is never able to understand mathematical concepts. He fears mathematics because of calculation. He hates numbers. It takes him a lot of time to add two numbers. He fears multiplication and division. He finds mathematics boring. It does not excite his imagination. But he enjoys games. He hopes against hope that one day his math learning would be full of fun.
Do not let dyscalculia haunt your child for the rest of their life. If you do not do something about it soon it will stick with them forever. So help your child get over their fear of math today. They will thank you in the future for helping them better understand how math works and how fun it is to solve a equation out
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