On the other hand, enjoyment is driven by purpose. Enjoyment is fulfilling because you are in control of that purpose and you can control the emotions that extend from your purpose. Enjoyment requires 'doing' and it can last for the rest of your life. Therefore, instead of asking yourself how to increase happiness, ask how to enjoy life.
In order to understand exactly what 'enjoyment' means, try thinking about the opposite of the word. Think of the most dreaded, yet routine, moments of your life right now. Those moments probably have more to do with boredom and indifference than they do with depression or anger. Anger and sadness can be productive and even healthy when expressed at appropriate levels, but boredom and apathy are never productive. These states occur when your life is lacking a productive purpose that you are fully engaged in and excited about. The state that most of us truly desire is a state of excitement, engagement, and enjoyment.
The best thing about enjoyment is that you can generate it on your own. You can find ways to enjoy life more in anything that you spend your time doing. You just need to have the right mindset, the correct perspective, in order to do so. Here are 3 ways to enjoy life more on a daily basis:

1. Generate your own enjoyment.
Did you ever go to a party or other big event that you were really excited about and then, once you arrived and spent a little time there, felt empty or even depressed? This is because you subconsciously expected, at least in part, for the party to make your night great. This happens all the time. The other guests, the food, the entertainment, the act of getting dressed and ready, everything associated with the big event can make you feel like all you need to do is show up in order to enjoy yourself.
Enjoyment never happens passively. You have to initiate and sustain it yourself. The act of achieving your goal, whether its showing up to a party or winning a Superbowl, will not automatically increase happiness or show you ways to enjoy life more. You have to be the fountainhead of your own enjoyment because second-hand enjoyment does not exist.
2. Enjoy life in the present moment.
Be present. There are Buddhist monks that spend their entire lives trying to practice this concept. Living in the present moment is extremely difficult to master but entirely necessary to practice. Being present requires that you focus your thoughts completely on what's happening right in front of you. This practice will not only help you be more productive, it will help you forget about your personal fears and worries.
If left unchecked, fear and worry will invariably stain all thoughts you have about the future. Spending your life creating contingency plans for everything that may not work out in your favor is nothing more than planning for failure. It is impossible to answer the question how to enjoy life with even the smallest fear lodged in your mind like a splinter. Instead of distracting yourself with 4 hours of television and a six-pack of beer, remove the splinter completely by engaging in the present moment.
3. Tie enjoyment to pursuit.
Is your life important? We all have a desire to feel significant in some way. We all want are lives to have a purpose. No matter what you want to do in life or who you want to become, achieving your goal will require productive action. Enjoyment is the art of deriving pleasure and achievement out of your chosen purpose. Your purpose can involve business and entrepreneurship, developing as a leader, or learning how to develop others. The key is that you are engaged in the process and are excited about the journey between your initial idea and its fruition.
Finding ways to enjoy life more starts with a personal choice and is maintained by action and accomplishment. Life without pursuit is empty. The great thing about enjoyment is that it is married to pursuit. From now on, instead of asking yourself how to increase happiness, ask how to enjoy life.
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