Some people are scared they'll mess up their Bibles. Don't be. Make notes in the margins of your Bible and highlight passages that touch your heart. This makes it easier to sit down from time to time and revisit the things you've learned. Use a mini post-it so that the revelation you received will be there waiting for you next time you flip past.
Instead of using bookmarks, use small sticky tabs to indicate verses you want to come back to or meditate on. This way, you can color code your study topics by using different colored tabs, and even keep track of more scriptures.
It creates a visible, physical, and personal location where your studies are carried out, providing support facilities for your study activities. It is a place where you go to in order to do only one thing, study. If you do have to use a kitchen or living room, then you will need to alter your studying schedule so that you are studying when others are not present in these areas. Don't try to study in the same room as others, or where there is domestic activity visible or audible.
The essentials are a keyboard that is comfortable to type on for long periods, and a screen that is comfortable on the eyes for long periods of work.
A printer is essential (a basic, low cost one will do) even if you email your documents to your tutor. One is able to remember much better what has been seen in the mind's eye than what has been thought in abstract terms. Therefore, one should always consciously try to think in terms of pictures.
Review after 5 minutes. Take 3 minutes of the next study period to review the study material of the previous study period, before new material is again summarized and thoroughly studied. Take 3 minutes to review the work that was reviewed 7 days ago, before reviewing the work that was studied the day before, and then reviewing the work that was studied 5 minutes ago.