How Often do You tend to have difficulty following a project through from beginning to end. How often do you get frightened or stressed when I am in the company of an angry person. How often do you order to avoid a conflict, I find it easier to lie than tell the truth. How often do you have judged myself harshly.
I am my own worst critic, and I am harder on myself than I am on others. How often do you feel that I am being taken advantage of by individuals and society in general; I often feel victimized. How often do you take myself very seriously, and I view all of relationships just as seriously.Expressing yourself and your rights without violating the rights of others.
Conflict is natural and inevitable. Conflict Resolution helps you resolve differences so that you may continue with the relationship in an effective way.
Knowing how to recognize and express anger appropriately can help us to reach goals, handle emergencies, solve problems and even protect our health.
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