1. Technical Skills:
Technical skills are the skills necessary to understand the specific kind of work being done in an organization. Technical skills are of greatest importance at the supervisory level or first line managers.
2. Interpersonal Skills:
Interpersonal skills are the ability to communicate with, understand and motivate both individuals and groups.
3. Conceptual Skills:
Conceptual skills are the manager's ability to think in the abstract. Managers need the mental capacity to understand the overall workings of the organization and its environment.
4. Diagnostic Skills:
Successful managers also possess diagnostic skills that enable manager to visualize the most appropriate response to solution. Example - A manager can diagnose and analyze a problem in the organization by studying its symptoms and developing a solution.
5. Communication Skills:
Communicating Skills refers to the manager's abilities both to convey ideas and information effectively to others and to receive ideas and information effectively from others.
6. Decision Making Skills:
Decision making skills refer to the managers ability to recognize and define problems and opportunities correctly and then to select an appropriate course of action to solve and capitalize on opportunities.
7. Time Management Skills:
A time management skill refers to the manager's ability to prioritize work to work efficiently and to delegate appropriately. Effective managers usually have time management skills.
Again a successful manager should have the sense of social responsibility. The concept of social responsibility is not new. Although the idea was already considered in the early part of 20th century, it receive a major impetus with the 1953 book social responsibilities of the business man by Howard R Bowen, who suggested that business should consider the social implications of their decisions.
Specialist Opinion:
1) According to R.W. Griffin, "Social responsibility is the set of obligations an organization has protect and enhanced the social context in which it functions."
2) According to Bartol and Martin, "Social responsibility refers to the obligations of an organization to seek actions that protect and improve the welfare of society along with it won interests."
On conclusions, social responsibilities mean the ability of a corporation to relate its operations and policies to the social environment in ways that are manually beneficial to the company and to society.
Above these are ideas management and the social responsibilities of manager.
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