This is the third global Family Enterprise Council FOX has formed. The others are the FOX Global Family Enterprise Council in Europe and the FOX Australian Family Enterprise Council in Melbourne. FOX operates a total of 14 Councils for peer groups of family principals, family office executives, and advisors in the US and around the world.
“I have travelled throughout the region, interviewing families about their needs,” said Miguel López de Silanes. “The families are looking for best practices used by the leading families in the region and globally. They are also looking for partners with expertise in different markets in the region for advice but also for potential future co-investments.”
This new Council will provide the forum for up to 25 like-minded family leaders to share experiences, advice, and direction with other similar family leaders.
“We will also be drawing on the experience of FOX’s Councils in other countries,” added Alexandre Monnier, FOX President. “The expertise of FOX goes deep with extensive benchmarking data and a knowledge base from working with families around the world for nearly 30 years.”
“Ultimately, FOX Councils are valued for the trusted relationships members are able to forge. The Council members are selected for their suitability for the group and learn to trust each other from working together closely over the years.”