Sep 10, 2016

Learn British Sign Language to help 
us all communicate

British Sign Language courses are on their way to Whitby so more people can communicate with deaf children. The ideahas come from Sara McLanaghan, a level three British Sign Language (BSL) who works in a mainstream school to support a profoundly deaf child, Alfie Blackwell. Currently, Sara and the boy’s parents are the only people in the area that can fluently communicate with him, aside from the teacher of the deaf and other professionals – but other than that he is very isolated. Sara said: “I want to change this and bring British sign language to Whitby.
“BSL is such an amazing skill to have and can lead you down so many different paths.” Sara is running a course in Whitby on behalf of MeSign, British sign language specialists, which will run from September 22 until April at Eskdale school on a Thursday evening, 6-8pm. The course cost is £380 per person and this covers exam costs. At the end of the qualification, students will gain level 1 in signature British sign language. There are limited spaces on the course.

If it fills up, she is hoping to carry on to do another level 1 class and a level 2 class in Whitby as well, along with the linguistics of British sign language.